Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pet Peeves

Number one pet peeve: When people put a giant proverbial period at the end of their sentences. Especially when those sentences are made up entirely of their inferences and not fact, thus shutting down lines of communication and the further spread of knowledge and destruction of ignorance.

Note: It is inevitable that we will all do this from time to time, this complaint goes out to those where EVERY sentence is followed by this period, by this supreme knowledge that somehow the information they have and the conclusion that it is has lead them to has somehow blessed them with understanding of situations far beyond the scope of possibility of understanding of every other mortal caught within earshot of their musings.

This is directed at no one on this board but is a result of years of proverbial period abuse.

Have a great day,


Padfoot240 said...

Give me an example. I wanna make sure I'm pondering what you are pondering.

Anonymous said...

Can't say I quite understand either Niall. Please explain. Also, read my first post. I think you'll jive with it as it portrays feelings similar to your thoughts on the American dream.

I'm back suckas!

bigbenton said...

i think, and not a hundred percent sure (;-)) that essentially niall is against absolute knowledge statements. i.e. if two people were talking about the existence of God and one were to give their argument as to what they believe and said, "and therefore, god obviously exists." those kinds of statements are simply ignorant because there is not really anyway of truely objectively "knowing" anything. the better statement would be "therfore, i believe (or it is probable), that god exists." but yeah, i "believe" this is what niall is getting at lol

Trento said...

"because there is not really anyway of truely objectively "knowing" anything."

That is a scary sentence.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Trent. Don't necessarily disagree though Cam.

Niall said...


Saying that I did the same thing?

Andrew C said...

I'm confused too.

Padfoot240 said...

Are you going to tell us what you meant?

Niall said...

I really don't understand why this is so confusing.

I hate when people shut off outside ideas as soon as they make up their mind on something.

I wrote in response to a really long midnight talk with some people about philosophy in which their viewpoint was the only even remotely valid point and I may as well have been talking to a brick wall.

This post was not that hard to understand. Really.

Andrew C said...

Several of us expressed that we were confused about your post so either we've got thick skulls or it's possible, maybe just slightly possible, the post was a little, well, confusing.

It's human nature to take a position and stick with it even though we might be presented with some other argument against that position. Coke is better than Pepsi and there's nothing you can say to change my mind.

Are we getting hotter?

Niall said...

Yah that's pretty much it, but on issues that are of intellectual nature... "Where do non-Christians go when they die?" "Is there a purpose for heaven?" "Are the body and soul one entity or can they be split?" "If we go outside of time with God when we die are we pre-existing ourselves?"... You get my drift.

Anonymous said...

In terms of those who refuse to believe anything else once they're mind is made up, a few people definitely come to mind. Just be careful not to do it yourself Niall. It's all too easy to blur the line between having strong convictions and closed-mindedness (if I may use the term). I know there have been times where I've definitely caught myself blindly refusing to consider a viewpoint for some reason, be it arrogance or lack of desire to actually learn something and possibly grow from it. Just sayin =]