Monday, July 30, 2007


How does one positively affect their peers?

How do I convey to kids the message that drugs, drinking and lots of sex lead them into brick walls?


..and I miss Rachel A LOT.

Friday, July 20, 2007


The new yellowcard is REALLY good. I'm too bored to sleep.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So the car now looks like a no go. I hate money.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Tomorrow marks the day that I buy my first car, a 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. I'm pretty excited and from everything I've read and seen in person, it's supposed to be a great car!
This summer certainly is a summer of milestones isn't it?

Friday, July 13, 2007


Well Ecuador is over and done with but I'll post much more about that later when I have pictures at my dispense.

I just finished my online driving instruction to negate my ticket. I started only an hour ago and holy crap it was a joke. Not only are the questions easy and sometimes bogus, "Who invented eyeglasses?" but you are able to use the back button on your browser to change wrong answers! Me and my mom were laughing at the sheer retardation of the thing. Oh well, I'm just glad that this whole ticket thing is finally taken care of because I got the freaking thing last November.

Yesterday was an awesome day because I got to see the Murrieta kids and Rachel finally. I missed them all so very very much.

I should probably get off the computer now though considering all of the laundry and cleaning that I have to do.

Here I go, go in God,