Friday, March 6, 2009



Do NOT listen to the critics on sites like Rotten Tomatoes. Most of them have beef with THE GRAPHIC NOVEL and not with the interpretation of that novel. It is completely unfair to fault a movie based on it's source material, when the ENTIRE point of the film is to adapt the source material.

Also, don't let people tell you it's super complicated, it isn't. Deep, but not overly complicated.

Also, see it on IMAX. Ruled.



Trento said...

Haha I love the sign off. I hope I can see it, they only have on super artsy theater in Princeton.

Padfoot240 said...

I'm seeing the movie tonight so post what I think. I thought the comic was okay. Not the best one ever like everyone was saying.

However, it is completely reasonable to fault a movie based on it's source material. If you take a sucky book and make a movie out of it, it will still be sucky if you adapt it perfectly.

Padfoot240 said...

It was good. I probably liked it as much as the novel. An okay story. Good characters. They changed a couple of minor things and one major thing, so not too bad. They adapted it pretty well surprisingly.

However, I thought the added porno scene was completely unreasonable.

Niall said...

I wouldn't quite consider that scene porno.

Padfoot240 said...

The whole point of that scene in the comic was that he got his 'mojo' back b/c he put his suit back on. He finally returned to who he was-The Night Owl.

After the first 10 seconds of them getting it on it was easily perceived what had happened. The next 2 minutes or so of thrusting and moaning was simply uncalled for.

Niall said...

It's a love scene, they won't go through all of the trouble to stage and set it up to have a back shot of a shirt coming off and pan out.

You see boobs. Oh no end of the world. They had sex, hardly something to fault a movie for.

I would have a huge problem with the part if it was actually was more like porn, ya know, with actual showing of private parts.

We can get into a discussion of the American technique of suppression of human sexuality.

Niall said...

If you'd like to.

Padfoot240 said...

"You see boobs"

"I would have a huge problem with the part if it was actually was more like porn, ya know, with actual showing of private parts."

Your words not mine.

Amy said...

my boobs are private.

Gudymente said...

The movie was alright. A little bit too much glowing blue wiener for my taste.

I'm sure I would have liked it more if I understood the message to a deeper extent.

'nuff said

Niall said...

"American technique of suppression of human sexuality"

America has more sexual taboos than almost any other nation. Ours is backwards as compared to everyone else. Our celebrities flaunt sex and it is put on this extreme pedestal, far away from normal life. Not so in other parts of the world. But I can see why just the above sentence would seem confusing.