Saturday, April 11, 2009

So many pictures so little time!

Too some "semi" formal pictures for Panacaea today, to be used in their program for sophomore recital.

Seriously, umbrellas are my absolute best friend. Most consistent lighting ever.

Panacaea Sophomore Recital-22

Panacaea Sophomore Recital-16

Panacaea Sophomore Recital-12

Panacaea Sophomore Recital-5

Really enjoyed taking these. Great bunch of dudes that I'll do a band post on soon. Unique post-rock metal featuring (obviously) a violin and cello instead of guitar and bass.


bigbenton said...

hey bud these are way tight! watch ur composition though with cutting off their feet. i know its nitpicky but it is a rule of composition that could make ur pics look that much better luv ya man!

Niall said...

Some of those shots are just too unbelievable with their feet included ya know? Would just require to much of a wide angle to be able to get everyone in with the same perspective. But will definitely be watching for it in the future.

bigbenton said...

eh i know u coulda made it work if u wanted to :-)

Niall said...

Yah.... ;)
