Sunday, July 5, 2009

new blog up and running

kind of.

ok, now I need some serious help. I don't understand the best way to create a blog post with a lead of picture, and then click to follow galleries. I don't understand how to make the intro slideshow work. I don't understand why and take me to two different sties. Basically, I need help. Can I meet with some of you guys that have a ton of knowledge about all of this? Help? Please?

Already bought the domain and server space and all of that, so I'm not going to not pursue this.

Thanks guys,



Andrew C said...

You've got 2 installs of Wordpress, one running in the root of your directory and another in the "wordpress" subdirectory.

As for how the theme you chose works, I've got no clue. The theme frameworks usually have stuff that's not part of the regular WordPress environment.

Padfoot240 said...

You made twins!

Niall said...

Oh geez. Well, Paddy you up to helping me figure this madness out?