Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jeremy and Kelsey Wedding

Put up shots from the wedding I did on Saturday. They are over on the site at

Thanks guys. Please leave comments. I think I really upped my game with this last shoot.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2 things

HUGE thanks to Padfoot for helping me get the site up and running without any bugs. Any and all photo updates will be over there from now on, so if you use it, update your rss feeds.

Also, does anyone have any personal recommendations for the printing of business cards? Any places you've used before? I'm looking for features like rounded corners and matte finishes..

thank you blogosphere. Hopefully you will be less dead soon.

EDIT: Business cards will be done in 3 days. Here they are-- tell me what you think. Looking for VERY simple but bold.

They will be printed on thick cardstock with a matte UV finish with big fat rounded corners. So excited.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

new blog up and running

kind of.

ok, now I need some serious help. I don't understand the best way to create a blog post with a lead of picture, and then click to follow galleries. I don't understand how to make the intro slideshow work. I don't understand why and take me to two different sties. Basically, I need help. Can I meet with some of you guys that have a ton of knowledge about all of this? Help? Please?

Already bought the domain and server space and all of that, so I'm not going to not pursue this.

Thanks guys,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

21st birthday

Had a great birthday that I spent with family, Ben and Nat. Good times were to be had as we hung out at the Yardhouse for my "first" beer. Nat got me the Canon fisheye and I got enough money to go on our road trip. Hot dang!