Friday, February 27, 2009

New portraits on Flickr

Did a GREAT portrait session today with one of my good friend's (whom almost all of you know) Matt Bebee.


I would love it if you would check the rest out.

Also: Any of you families out there in the blogosphere want pictures of those families done in a way that doesn't look like the same Olan Mills Jc Penny shot that everyone else gets? Couples? Single bloggers want pictures for family or friends? Pets? Anybody need pictures for ANYTHING? If you do, get in contact with me, and please, refer your friends if you know that someone needs some photography done at a very reasonable price for a personable experience.

Thanks everyone,

1 comment:

Andrew C said...

I don't really like sifting through people's flickr so embedding the best one or two from the set in the post is a good idea. Matt's a cool guy, but I don't know what to say about 20 headshots after clicking through to Flickr. Post 2 pictures and ask which people like better or something that will illicit a response instead of people just saying "Cool.".

Matt-1701 would be my favorite if it wasn't cropped quite so close.