Saturday, September 13, 2008


So we finally have access to wi-fi! Not in our apartment mind you (where it would be convenient) but in other people's apartments that let us sit in here and steal it. I have to make this post kind of quick because I'm trying to get off the internet because only three people can be on in this building at the same time. Sucks but eh.

Anyway, I'm part of the group of the unfun because I'm one of ones in the group who isn't drinking. Some of us have found our fun in exploring as much of the city as possible, while others have found their fun in alcohol. Eh, I like my way so much more. Anyway, got post a couple of photos, have SO many more but bandwidth is really limited. Check it out and I'll get on again as soon as I can.

See you guys!

*Looking through the pictures, I'm kind of bummed at what got uploaded, because they don't represent ANY of the best pictures at all. But eh.


1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

You may be unfun b/c of no drinking...but atleast you aren't living in GAYLAND like those fools. Glad to see your morals are as strong as ever.

I'm also happy to hear that you are eating meat and cheese again!