Monday, July 30, 2007


How does one positively affect their peers?

How do I convey to kids the message that drugs, drinking and lots of sex lead them into brick walls?


..and I miss Rachel A LOT.


Amy said...

yeah, that can definitely be frustrating...especially when opportunities for deep, theological conversations just aren't presenting themselves. sometimes i feel that way, how do you convey to people that you believe the way you live is the best way to live when the only interaction you have with them is, "hey javier, can i get a side of red onions with that burger?" i guess we just need to continue to lead by example and share God with words any chance we get.

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

Living it and Loving on others is the best way I have found to be a witness (martyr in the Greek) for Christ.

Shoving things down peoples throat only works for a short time, if at all.
i.e. the Crusades, Nazi Germany, Witnessing by Megaphone on Main Street, Huntington.

You know my view on drinking, and I will continue to tell it like it is. It's all good in moderation, and when one is legal to do so.

Drugs are bad. I have seen and know of people who are permanently messed up due to it.

Sex is the proper context. Don't be a man-whore.

It's a waste of your time, life and money.

Stay true to the faith Niall. Actively pursue it and live it. Build relationships and trust. This will give you an advantage when ministering to them, or calling them out.