Already a whole lot of fun and I'm learning so much. Will keep everyone posted.
Blogosphere is really down lately huh? Guess it's because everyone is busy.
Anyway, took some pics tonight and thought they came out great. Tell me what you think please. Always helpful.
![Eye Alaska-2](
![Eye Alaska-19](
![Eye Alaska-10](
plus some fun ones:
![Eye Alaska-30](
![Eye Alaska-33](
Good night and good days,
Also: for those of you who are photographers (or shoot with an SLR) what do you shoot in? JPEG or RAW?
I like the first one (B&W) a bunch.
I shoot in RAW since I am not great or quick at dialing in settings on the SLR.
Sure there is a little more work to do in post but there is also so much more you can do working with RAW.
Adobe's latest camera raw rules!
Looks good. I gave up on RAW and learned to shoot to get the shot I wanted. Would rather take a couple seconds to dial in the exposure than spend time post processing. There's not much I'd do beyond tweaking exposure and white balance so just not really worth the effort for me.
Only really shooting sRaw and with the sorting and efficiency of lightroom, I don't really see a reason not to in my case.
I've found that a lot of times that raw isn't about half assing on your in camera exposure, but making sure that it's perfect later. Ken Rockwell always acts all high and mighty about "nailing the exposure in camera" but ANSEL ADAMS never left his images untouched or unedited. Quite the opposite actually as the man practically perfected the concept of post production.
Anyway, try your sraw setting Andrew if you have a program that they won't slow down. If not, I'd stick with jpegs too; but sometimes it's worth it to be able to pull that one extra stop out of a picture that you were a little off on in exposure.
Ansel Adams also wasn't able to check the results of his shot right away. If I was still on my D70 I'd consider RAW since white balance metering was very hit and miss. On the D90 I get pretty much exactly what I want. Exposure compensation is my friend.
dude, first of all nice photos. It's cool to see how far you've progressed since when I first met you.
secondly, I shoot in JPEG right now only because I don't currently have a program that can edit RAW photos. If I ever get Lightroom or a newer version of Photoshop, I'd love to play with it!
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