Clarity on the post from July 28th.
Hope this all makes sense.
we rock canada 
Niall McCarthy
how so?
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy
I love this country
Niall McCarthy
and we are a great country
our health care is better, lower tax rates, less socialist government
Niall McCarthy
but I have a hard time finding one place "superior" over another
our freedom of speech is the best in the world 
Niall McCarthy
is it worse in other places?
Niall McCarthy
surely yes
Niall McCarthy
the middle east
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy
parts of africa
Niall McCarthy
but there's other places getting ther
Niall McCarthy
obviously the "which country is better' is a very wide continum
Niall McCarthy
I don't think a places value can be measured with rates, or GDPs or values of the dollar
Niall McCarthy
i really don't
when you compare a country like the USA and England the differences are much smaller than say USA vs Iran
Niall McCarthy
I would agree
so then you can't say discussions of cultural value are insignificant
Niall McCarthy
what do you mean?
you said a places value can't be measured....and now that I look at your words, I agree sort of. i wouldn't compare the GDP of the USA and Iran to determine which is better
though economic freedom and prosperity is certainly important
Niall McCarthy
i know where you're going with this
Niall McCarthy
yes it is
Niall McCarthy
all i meant by that post, is that I want people to see beauty everywhere they go
Niall McCarthy
I've talked to a lot of people that have never been out of this country that are without a doubt convinced that we are god's gift to the world and that we are the best country on this planet
Niall McCarthy
well that silly
Niall McCarthy
because everyone everywhere else is thinking the same thing
Niall McCarthy
everyone has something to offer
see, you're saying it's all relative
Niall McCarthy
I really do think so
people in North Korea think they're the best, I think we're the best, so it's all a wash
Niall McCarthy
relativism is a nasty thing though
but it's not
Niall McCarthy
I don't think that North Koreans think that they are the best though
it's not like musical opinion
Niall McCarthy
because they don't want to be there
Niall McCarthy
adds another dimension to it
but you've never been there, so you can't say that 
Niall McCarthy
no, I can't
Niall McCarthy

Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy
I'm assuming so, based on their level of oppression
Niall McCarthy
but having never spoken to a NK, I can't say
just as I assume the USA is better than China because we don't kill people who speak out peacefully against the government. again, i don't have to actually visit the country to say that.
and don't get me wrong
I don't think China for example is completely bad and the USA is completely good
but there are some people who believe all cultures are absolutely equal
no matter the atrocities commited by that culture
Niall McCarthy
I will say
Niall McCarthy
to interject
Niall McCarthy
that i think it is probably more important to look at the peoples of an area and not the actions of their governments
Niall McCarthy
people hate america
Niall McCarthy
that's not my fault
Niall McCarthy
but somewhere in switzerland, a swedish Niall and nathan are having this argument
it depends on what end you're trying to achieve. I like this discussion because it analyzes the values of different cultures and forces us to decide if the values our society holds are good or not
I don't think the people of China are all evil...most are probably good...
Niall McCarthy
*I will say, that I think that countries CAN be ranked in terms of "goodness" based on number and actions of a government
Niall McCarthy
I've been more trying to focus on people
i understand now..
it's just not as exciting a discussion...not to mention a super hard one. the government of china for example is an entity, but trying to compare ourselves to 1 billion different chinese isn't easy.
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy
Niall McCarthy
the place im trying to argue on really isn't very exciting at all
and i'm not sure what that discussion amounts to. "are there good chinese? yes. are there bad iranians? yes." what 
Niall McCarthy
It came from my understanding of the good samaritan
Niall McCarthy
The story makes it a point to show it's readers how silly seperation is based on place of origin
Niall McCarthy
in a roundabout way, I think I was just trying to say the same thing