Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Name's Ham And I'm The Best

Preface: Finally this stupid thing is up and running and everyone can get off my back about it. I hope someone likes the header I made, I think it's pretty sweet.

Actual Post: The team and I are leaving to Ecuador at 1:30 tomorrow morning and I feel a number of different emotions. I am in one sense terrified because even though I know what I am in for there are still a number of challenges facing me
. From this point on.. I relinquish control of this post , to Chris Luna who will speak on the legendary, Ooongatz.

Hey everybody out there in the bloggerverse. this is web master Chris Luna. This one time we were chillin' out in the Burn office. Amy heard a weird noise. I looked and it was Ooongatz. Ooongatz is the monster who used to live on my street and down the hall from me. Anyway, Ooongatz came into the room and ate Paddy. Niall leaned like a cholo and took out his broad sword and stabbed Ooongatz in the jam. Amy thought she would help and vomited all over the monster Ooongatz. Then Ooongatz died. Paddy was still inside. The end

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Macbooks are so ballin'. I highly suggest to anyone looking for a new computer. Whoo!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well I have taken the advice of my livejournal friends and finally a got a blogger. So now I may actually get to reveive actual comments on my posts instead of "Get a blogger." Hopefully, Paddy can help me make this thing not look crappy later. WHOOT!