Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Worship Pictures

These were some pictures I took during a worship session at Hope last night. Feedback?

They are the only pictures there as of right now.

Thanks guys.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What I've Been Up To

I've been so busy with photography projects and with school and visiting Rachel that I have mistakenly neglected the blogoverse. So as penance, I would now like to share with you some of the highlights of my last couple picture outings.
So we have: A Povertees promo that I think looks pretty good despite horrible sources of light. (1 Shoe mount Nikon Sb-28 and a desk lamp sitting on the floor; all in front of a 10 dollar Wal Mart Flat Sheet!)

Matt and Gianna at Jillian's 18th birthday party:

A picture of the lunches being loaded to take to the homeless for Sack Lunch Fridays:

And a really sweet ultimate frisbee shot:

I feel like every time I pick up the camera, I get better at using it.

Also: Please note that Blogger's compression system causes the colors in the pictures to be dulled a bit. My original files have much more bite to them than do these.